The true meaning of Christmas - Jesus Christ
Santa lives at the North Pole ... JESUS is everywhere.
Santa rides in a sleigh ... JESUS rides on the wind and walks on the water.
Santa comes but once a year ... JESUS is an ever present help.
Santa fills your stockings with goodies ... JESUS supplies all your needs.
Santa comes down your chimney uninvited ... JESUS stands at your door and knocks, and then enters your heart when invited.
You have to wait in line to see Santa ... JESUS is as close as the mention of His name.
Santa lets you sit on his lap ... JESUS lets you rest in His arms.
Santa doesn't know your name, all he can say is "Hi little boy (or girl,) what's your name?" JESUS knew our name before we did. Not only does He know our name, He knows our address too. He knows our history and future and He even knows how many hairs are on our heads.
May God's many blessings be with you NOW...DURING THIS FESTIVE SEASON, EACH AND EVERY DAY!!!
God Bless and Take Care of You Always Say A Prayer...
Writing with the light beams on life's pages... I am alive... raised from the death by the Holy One...
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Friday, November 25, 2005
News Report
In April, Maya Angelou was interviewed by Oprah on her 70+ birthday. Oprah asked her what she thought of growing older. And, there ontelevision, she said it was "exciting." Regarding body changes, she said there were many, occurring every her breasts. They seem to be in a race to see which will reach her waist, first. The audience laughed so hard they cried. She is such a simple and honestwoman, with so much wisdom in her words!
Maya Angelou said this: "I've learned that no matter what happens, orhow bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be bettertomorrow."
"I've learned that you can tell a lot about a person by the way he/she handles these three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, andtangled Christmas tree lights."
"I've learned that regardless of yourrelationship with your parents, you'll miss them when they're gone from your life."
"I've learned that making a "living" is not the samething as "making a life."
"I've learned that life sometimes gives youa second chance."
"I've learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catcher's mitt on both hands; you need to be able to throw somethings back."
"I've learned that whenever I decide something with anopen heart, I usually make the right decision."
"I've learned that even when I have pains, I don't have to be one."
"I'! ve learnedthat every day you should reach out and touch someone.People love a warm hug, or just a friendly pat on the back."
"I've learned that I still have a lot to learn."
"I've learned that peoplewill forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but peoplewill never forget how you made them feel."
Maya Angelou said this: "I've learned that no matter what happens, orhow bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be bettertomorrow."
"I've learned that you can tell a lot about a person by the way he/she handles these three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, andtangled Christmas tree lights."
"I've learned that regardless of yourrelationship with your parents, you'll miss them when they're gone from your life."
"I've learned that making a "living" is not the samething as "making a life."
"I've learned that life sometimes gives youa second chance."
"I've learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catcher's mitt on both hands; you need to be able to throw somethings back."
"I've learned that whenever I decide something with anopen heart, I usually make the right decision."
"I've learned that even when I have pains, I don't have to be one."
"I'! ve learnedthat every day you should reach out and touch someone.People love a warm hug, or just a friendly pat on the back."
"I've learned that I still have a lot to learn."
"I've learned that peoplewill forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but peoplewill never forget how you made them feel."
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
The Stranger
A few months before I was born, my dad met a stranger who was
new to our town. From the beginning, Dad was fascinated with
this enchanting newcomer and soon invited him to live with our
family. The stranger was quickly accepted and was around to
welcome me into the world a few months later.
As I grew up I never questioned his place in our family. Mom
taught me to love the Word of God, and Dad taught me to obey it,
but the stranger was our storyteller. He could weave the most
fascinating tales. Adventures, mysteries and comedies were
daily conversations. He could hold our whole family spellbound
for hours each evening.
He was like a friend to the whole family. He took Dad, Bill
and me to our first major league baseball game. He was always
encouraging us to see the movies, and he even made arrangements
to introduce us to several movie stars.
The stranger was an incessant talker. Dad didn't seem to mind,
but sometimes Mom would quietly get up while the rest of us
were enthralled with one of his stories of faraway places, go to
her room, read her Bible and pray. I wonder now if she ever
prayed that the stranger would leave.
You see, my dad ruled our household with certain moral
convictions, but this stranger never felt an obligation to
honor them. Profanity, for example, was not allowed in our
house-not from us, from our friends, or adults. Our longtime
visitor, however, used occasional four-letter words that burned
my ears and made Dad squirm. To my knowledge the stranger was
never confronted.
My Dad was a teetotaler who didn't permit alcohol in his home,
not even for cooking, but the stranger felt like we needed
exposure and enlightened us to other ways of life. He offered
us beer and other alcoholic beverages often. He made cigarettes
look tasty, cigars manly and pipes distinguished. He talked
freely (much too freely) about sex. His comments were sometimes
blatant, sometimes suggestive and generally embarrassing. I
know now that my early concepts of the man/woman relationship
were influenced by the stranger.
As I look back, I believe it was because of the grace of God
that the stranger did not influence us more. Time after time he
opposed the values of my parents, yet he was seldom rebuked and
never asked to leave.
More than thirty years have passed since the stranger moved in
with the young family on Morningside Drive. But if I were to
walk into my parents' den today, you would still see him sitting
over in a corner, waiting for someone to listen to him talk and
watch him draw his pictures.
His name?
We always just called him TV.
~Author Unknown~
new to our town. From the beginning, Dad was fascinated with
this enchanting newcomer and soon invited him to live with our
family. The stranger was quickly accepted and was around to
welcome me into the world a few months later.
As I grew up I never questioned his place in our family. Mom
taught me to love the Word of God, and Dad taught me to obey it,
but the stranger was our storyteller. He could weave the most
fascinating tales. Adventures, mysteries and comedies were
daily conversations. He could hold our whole family spellbound
for hours each evening.
He was like a friend to the whole family. He took Dad, Bill
and me to our first major league baseball game. He was always
encouraging us to see the movies, and he even made arrangements
to introduce us to several movie stars.
The stranger was an incessant talker. Dad didn't seem to mind,
but sometimes Mom would quietly get up while the rest of us
were enthralled with one of his stories of faraway places, go to
her room, read her Bible and pray. I wonder now if she ever
prayed that the stranger would leave.
You see, my dad ruled our household with certain moral
convictions, but this stranger never felt an obligation to
honor them. Profanity, for example, was not allowed in our
house-not from us, from our friends, or adults. Our longtime
visitor, however, used occasional four-letter words that burned
my ears and made Dad squirm. To my knowledge the stranger was
never confronted.
My Dad was a teetotaler who didn't permit alcohol in his home,
not even for cooking, but the stranger felt like we needed
exposure and enlightened us to other ways of life. He offered
us beer and other alcoholic beverages often. He made cigarettes
look tasty, cigars manly and pipes distinguished. He talked
freely (much too freely) about sex. His comments were sometimes
blatant, sometimes suggestive and generally embarrassing. I
know now that my early concepts of the man/woman relationship
were influenced by the stranger.
As I look back, I believe it was because of the grace of God
that the stranger did not influence us more. Time after time he
opposed the values of my parents, yet he was seldom rebuked and
never asked to leave.
More than thirty years have passed since the stranger moved in
with the young family on Morningside Drive. But if I were to
walk into my parents' den today, you would still see him sitting
over in a corner, waiting for someone to listen to him talk and
watch him draw his pictures.
His name?
We always just called him TV.
~Author Unknown~
Saturday, October 15, 2005
In The Memory Of Dr Sophia Azzi (may 2004)
One day , i opened my eyes ... i just checked ... just checked ..... i opened my eyes ....... couldnt beleive ......
i opened my eyes ..... & the tears stayed there frozen .... frozen ...... a burn in the heart .... he slowed his beats .... want not to accept .......
First , Asaad , Then now Sophie ....What can i say .......
I cannot see the sunrise ..... cannot feel the wind .......everything was around me full of silence one can ask , no one can talk ....
Just , all what she & Dany waited , & worked for , to be together , is down !!!!!!!.......
The wall of death divide the beautifull dream in our class ! the dream that started in the first year in the medical school ! The death tooks one part of the dream , & leaved the other to everyday death ...
What we can say Sophie ...It's so early to go away ....You r too young to be catched by the death !...Will our tears get you back from there !...
If it was in my hand !... i will re - get the time back ! & keep it in the happiness you wanted all ur life ! near Dany ! in your wedding ! & i will stop the time there to keep you happy ! eternaly together !
But , what can i say ! what can i do !
I would try to ask god why ! but who i'm i to say that ! but still this big , burning why is in my heart !Why she? god , your ways , your thinkings is above us , and we cannot size you in our small brains ...
You know why ! & all what you do is right !You r the light ! the power ! Our life is nothing if you dont light it !
You know why god !You choose Sophie! You took her to u .....I know that this life is like that ...HARD , PAINFULL & we all rely on you to take our pains by our faith in you .....
You know why ........You learned us , that this death , is only the begining ...& all what we do here , on this earth ...our sadness , our happiness , our love , our families , our everything ...
All what we feel here , is only echoes in eternity .....Only echoes .....nothing is to describe ... we lose a one we loved , we lived with , we share our dreams , our days in the medical school , we passed the hard & the simple ,
almost together , as one group , as one class ,Sophie , if we where there , each one of us could hold a stone from the ones that hurts your body ...But we cannot stop the if ??...we cannot...
We lost you from the earth of pain , of sadnesss , to gain you now in the heart of god , where you live eternaly ...
Only , the word will be to your husband , also a friend of all us , to your family ... that sophie is te nice girl , women , that is living now forever ...Our word to them , that you r now there for them ... & we will pray every moment to god to relax , & releive the pain in
their heart ... the big pain ... yes , please god help them that you are alive in the heart of all your classmates ...In the heart of everyone you knew ...
You always kept this smile on your face , your slow motion , your beautifull heart ....& this will stay with usForever with us ...
Sophie , our friend , as you was always the butterfly of our class , you are now our butterfly in the heaven garden ... REST THERE ...
In The Name Of All your Classmates
i opened my eyes ..... & the tears stayed there frozen .... frozen ...... a burn in the heart .... he slowed his beats .... want not to accept .......
First , Asaad , Then now Sophie ....What can i say .......
I cannot see the sunrise ..... cannot feel the wind .......everything was around me full of silence one can ask , no one can talk ....
Just , all what she & Dany waited , & worked for , to be together , is down !!!!!!!.......
The wall of death divide the beautifull dream in our class ! the dream that started in the first year in the medical school ! The death tooks one part of the dream , & leaved the other to everyday death ...
What we can say Sophie ...It's so early to go away ....You r too young to be catched by the death !...Will our tears get you back from there !...
If it was in my hand !... i will re - get the time back ! & keep it in the happiness you wanted all ur life ! near Dany ! in your wedding ! & i will stop the time there to keep you happy ! eternaly together !
But , what can i say ! what can i do !
I would try to ask god why ! but who i'm i to say that ! but still this big , burning why is in my heart !Why she? god , your ways , your thinkings is above us , and we cannot size you in our small brains ...
You know why ! & all what you do is right !You r the light ! the power ! Our life is nothing if you dont light it !
You know why god !You choose Sophie! You took her to u .....I know that this life is like that ...HARD , PAINFULL & we all rely on you to take our pains by our faith in you .....
You know why ........You learned us , that this death , is only the begining ...& all what we do here , on this earth ...our sadness , our happiness , our love , our families , our everything ...
All what we feel here , is only echoes in eternity .....Only echoes .....nothing is to describe ... we lose a one we loved , we lived with , we share our dreams , our days in the medical school , we passed the hard & the simple ,
almost together , as one group , as one class ,Sophie , if we where there , each one of us could hold a stone from the ones that hurts your body ...But we cannot stop the if ??...we cannot...
We lost you from the earth of pain , of sadnesss , to gain you now in the heart of god , where you live eternaly ...
Only , the word will be to your husband , also a friend of all us , to your family ... that sophie is te nice girl , women , that is living now forever ...Our word to them , that you r now there for them ... & we will pray every moment to god to relax , & releive the pain in
their heart ... the big pain ... yes , please god help them that you are alive in the heart of all your classmates ...In the heart of everyone you knew ...
You always kept this smile on your face , your slow motion , your beautifull heart ....& this will stay with usForever with us ...
Sophie , our friend , as you was always the butterfly of our class , you are now our butterfly in the heaven garden ... REST THERE ...
In The Name Of All your Classmates
Monday, October 10, 2005
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Friday, September 30, 2005
I Believe In Changes...
It's weird! many times if not all the times we meet persons!
For everyone one we have a pre-judjment...
He is like that & that & that?!!...
And unfortunately we treat everyone based on our judjment or on the one that we heard from others!
How many times we lost a person because of this?!
How many persons we lost till now?!
Always we judje!
When someone is bad , we will keep him bad forever!
But dont you believe in changes?
No one is born criminal!
No one can be good and refuse the goodness!
Always there is something that pushes the person to do something wrong!
Don't judje!
Don't kill souls!
Your brother always needs you! always needs your help, your care, your love...
Don't stay angry in your room, while saying: i can't change anyone!...
I believe that you are wrong, but also i believe that you will change...
Sassine El Nabbout MD.
For everyone one we have a pre-judjment...
He is like that & that & that?!!...
And unfortunately we treat everyone based on our judjment or on the one that we heard from others!
How many times we lost a person because of this?!
How many persons we lost till now?!
Always we judje!
When someone is bad , we will keep him bad forever!
But dont you believe in changes?
No one is born criminal!
No one can be good and refuse the goodness!
Always there is something that pushes the person to do something wrong!
Don't judje!
Don't kill souls!
Your brother always needs you! always needs your help, your care, your love...
Don't stay angry in your room, while saying: i can't change anyone!...
I believe that you are wrong, but also i believe that you will change...
Sassine El Nabbout MD.
I Love You!
A report was done in Hong Kong the last year, revealing that only 14% of men says " i love u" to their women. Only 1% says "i love u" to their sons. Only 4% of them says "i love u" to their daughters.
Also, 20% of women says "i love u" to their husbands. And only 5% says it to their sons & 4% to their daughters.
Less than 1% of boys says it to their dads, while 3% said it to their mothers.
Less than 3% of girls says it to their dads & 5% of them says it to their mums.
A really sad report!
And i believe its so real!
But the big question is why??
Why we cannot say this word to everyone who really deserve?
Do we think or know really what can make this word in the one that hear it from us!
I guess no one will be sad if he hears it from you!
I guess their hearts will be full of happiness!
So, to everyone i know, i say: I Love U!
Translated to english from Radio Charity Report
Sassine El Nabbout MD.
Also, 20% of women says "i love u" to their husbands. And only 5% says it to their sons & 4% to their daughters.
Less than 1% of boys says it to their dads, while 3% said it to their mothers.
Less than 3% of girls says it to their dads & 5% of them says it to their mums.
A really sad report!
And i believe its so real!
But the big question is why??
Why we cannot say this word to everyone who really deserve?
Do we think or know really what can make this word in the one that hear it from us!
I guess no one will be sad if he hears it from you!
I guess their hearts will be full of happiness!
So, to everyone i know, i say: I Love U!
Translated to english from Radio Charity Report
Sassine El Nabbout MD.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Mars Is The Nearest Point To Earth
Monday, September 05, 2005
My Fiancee Weblog

I'm pleased to present my fiancee Marwa Hosni. This link is to her written thoughts...
You will like them as you like my writings... because we are the same person...
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
The Moon Of Melbourne

Every night… almost every night, she starred in the sky… awaiting the moon, coming from the east of the earth… sometimes from behind the clouds… and other times shining between the small stars in the clear skies…
She didn’t know why… but a secret power was attracting her…
Who knows why?!... his light… his beauty… his majesty… or its role: the light in the world darkness…
She never could resist him…
His cold light touched her heart…
She danced with him many times on the music of the stars… while the soft breezes was sharing the dance with the small trees branches covering her window of dreams…
She fell in love with him since her childhood… he was her only friend… the only one that can hold her secrets… the only one that can hear her cries when all the hearts of earth are asleep…
She missed him every second… even, she could not wait the incoming of each night…
And the moon… once created… didn’t know that he will be loved one day that much… he supposed he is unique… lonely… as he stayed since millions of years… as he supposed he will not fall in love… even that he was a symbol of all lovers…
But this girl was a different creature… her beauty was like a piece of star…
He looked since long time from above the human houses… but when she was born, a different light was attracting his eyes… a light that is not human made…
Yes… since that time he continued starring… till his eyes met her eyes…
And the story started…
Her smile was his point of weakness… he couldn’t one day support to see her crying… and his only dream was to keep her happy forever…
He followed her in the nights… lighted her roads… touched with his rays her room… took away the ghosts of fear from her life…
The time passed… and the little girl became a young woman… a woman full of a secret happiness and love… a love that no one know… a smile that no one know why… a light that no one can understand… but every one that met her knew that she is in love…
Her heart was always flying in the skies… and the heart of her lover was walking on earth…
One night, she asked him: when will I touch you?… when will I walk with you in the roads of my beautiful city?... when will you come for me?... and he said: how can I leave the skies my sweet love?!... what can I do?...
the first days, they supported… but the missing feeling became unbearable with time… as if the life is not finding any way to continue, as each one of them needs the other one…
He started to see the tears in her eyes, while he swears one day that he will keep her happiness eternal… so the tears filled his eyes too… what will he do?... what are the possibilities?...
He knew that he don’t have another help than god… so he asked him while praying…
He said: dear god, can I be the light in the world darkness, while being on the earth itself?... as a man… only for few days…
God said: for once or?...
The moon stayed silent…
So god said: why do you want to go?...
The moon said: I want to love as I’m loved…
And the great god smiled and said: I cannot refuse an act of love… so go… you have my blessings… and take with you these two rings, one for her and one for you… so you can see her anytime you want…
While his heart was full of happiness, the moon said thanks my dear creator…
He couldn’t wait to tell his love the great news… and that time the count down started…
He dreamed of her… she dreamed of him… but both had that fear of the dream… the fear that this dream will not be a reality… they couldn’t know how much this will be beautiful… and that everything can become a reality with god…
… his legs touched the earth of Melbourne… just a wall… a door was between him and her… and the moment came…
He touched her… she touched him…
He hugged her… she hugged him…
He smelled her… she smelled him…
He kissed her… she kissed him…
They said for everyone one: this is my love… this is the one I live for and I want to live with…
And they passed together the most beautiful days in life… the greatest moments… they ate together… they shared everything… even the small things…
Their conversations was full of silence… of touches… of looks… of eyes starring…
And for sure, they walked together… in the full day light…
And as all the people of the earth said: how beautiful and rare?!!… did someone see one day the full moon beside the sun, giving both the light for our days?!…
Sunday, July 03, 2005
Sunday, May 29, 2005
Stop this sexually transmitted disease, use condoms to vote …
It’s a fashion these days to see new wears of democracy… the new definition…
In the past, the definition was: the people governing…
But our new definition unfortunately is: the family's dictators…
When the husband went away, the woman takes the ride… when the woman goes away or wants to rest; the son or the daughter if not available takes the ride…
And this is the people's decision…
We want you to be always above us… you are our master… our big one…we want you and all your descent to keep us always in the shit, because we are so happy there… please don’t go or leave us without a master… we always need your power… your help… without you we cannot take our rights…
Dear citizens, you don’t need to kiss the asses to take your rights as a human being… as a Lebanese person…
Dear citizens, the electricity is your right… good roads is your right… living in peace is your right… free education is your right… free healthcare is your right… taking posts… eating… electing… saying what you want… going where you want…
You don’t need anyone to ask for your rights…
But, in our country, with this sexually transmitted disease, they learned us to ask, to take what is formally our rights… they catch it in their deep self interest… just to keep this system awake… and don’t be surprised… they all even while talking and judging all the others of their same level… they are in a full agreement… an agreement to keep them always above and us always down…
What I saw unfortunately, is that you always repeat the same errors… you always re-elect the same persons… you always live like a sheep… I know, this is your sexually transmitted disease also… you took it from your family… doing what they asked you to do…
Sir, wake up…
Your representative in the parliament is only for making laws… not for giving you anything or to buy your voice…
Wake up…
Elect the persons not to help you or your brother or your region, but to help and represent the whole country…
Elect the change… the good men to have a good government…
Just wake up…
Destroy this poor mentality… elect the freedom… the independence…
If you are not able to do it, for the future, please use condoms to not infect your descent…
But again, wake up and go to vote…
In the past, the definition was: the people governing…
But our new definition unfortunately is: the family's dictators…
When the husband went away, the woman takes the ride… when the woman goes away or wants to rest; the son or the daughter if not available takes the ride…
And this is the people's decision…
We want you to be always above us… you are our master… our big one…we want you and all your descent to keep us always in the shit, because we are so happy there… please don’t go or leave us without a master… we always need your power… your help… without you we cannot take our rights…
Dear citizens, you don’t need to kiss the asses to take your rights as a human being… as a Lebanese person…
Dear citizens, the electricity is your right… good roads is your right… living in peace is your right… free education is your right… free healthcare is your right… taking posts… eating… electing… saying what you want… going where you want…
You don’t need anyone to ask for your rights…
But, in our country, with this sexually transmitted disease, they learned us to ask, to take what is formally our rights… they catch it in their deep self interest… just to keep this system awake… and don’t be surprised… they all even while talking and judging all the others of their same level… they are in a full agreement… an agreement to keep them always above and us always down…
What I saw unfortunately, is that you always repeat the same errors… you always re-elect the same persons… you always live like a sheep… I know, this is your sexually transmitted disease also… you took it from your family… doing what they asked you to do…
Sir, wake up…
Your representative in the parliament is only for making laws… not for giving you anything or to buy your voice…
Wake up…
Elect the persons not to help you or your brother or your region, but to help and represent the whole country…
Elect the change… the good men to have a good government…
Just wake up…
Destroy this poor mentality… elect the freedom… the independence…
If you are not able to do it, for the future, please use condoms to not infect your descent…
But again, wake up and go to vote…
Saturday, April 23, 2005
An April Night In Aadbel…
I was staying outdoors… surrounded by the soft breezes and hearing the sound of silence in the darkness of the night… everything is falling asleep… all the human lights are off… only the moon that was complete, were reflecting his white light on the clouds, that was moving fast, showing from time to time the candles of the sky…
I was silent and just admiring, or if I can say it “ absorbing “ … and unlike the usual sweet moments that go fast, the time was slowly moving, as if he want to keep this night eternal…
All the roses, the jasmine, the orange trees were blooming… the odor is really unbelievable… with every smell I feel flying… with every moment passing I feel the happiness growing up inside my heart…
It seems that the odors are transferred more in the night… or maybe because we have more time to stay to smell in the night…
Whatever I describe, it is almost always less than what is here…
As I worked many times to show up the beauties that are surrounding my life, always I was disappointed that I didn’t exchange everything… many of you have seen my flowers and roses, but no one could smell them… I’m really wondering if one day a camera can register a photo and a smell… because a photo without a smell is like someone have eyes to see, but he don’t have fingers to touch this beauty…
What I mean from all this is an invite to you, to come and live the peace… to open your eyes and your heart to see and feel all what is near you… because you can see god in every small thing of them…
For me, I know that heaven is too much more beautiful and peaceful than that… and as I felt all this on this non eternal earth by my sick non eternal body, I will love everything so that my soul will live this and more in the eternal heaven of god…
I was silent and just admiring, or if I can say it “ absorbing “ … and unlike the usual sweet moments that go fast, the time was slowly moving, as if he want to keep this night eternal…
All the roses, the jasmine, the orange trees were blooming… the odor is really unbelievable… with every smell I feel flying… with every moment passing I feel the happiness growing up inside my heart…
It seems that the odors are transferred more in the night… or maybe because we have more time to stay to smell in the night…
Whatever I describe, it is almost always less than what is here…
As I worked many times to show up the beauties that are surrounding my life, always I was disappointed that I didn’t exchange everything… many of you have seen my flowers and roses, but no one could smell them… I’m really wondering if one day a camera can register a photo and a smell… because a photo without a smell is like someone have eyes to see, but he don’t have fingers to touch this beauty…
What I mean from all this is an invite to you, to come and live the peace… to open your eyes and your heart to see and feel all what is near you… because you can see god in every small thing of them…
For me, I know that heaven is too much more beautiful and peaceful than that… and as I felt all this on this non eternal earth by my sick non eternal body, I will love everything so that my soul will live this and more in the eternal heaven of god…
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
My history with photography…
In the past, my mom used to take a photo for me whatever I was doing … so now, I have a real big collection of different parts & stages of my life… in some of them I was alone… in others I was with the ones I share my beautiful memories… some of them are still alive & others are now unreachable…
The fingers & the eyes that took these photos belongs mainly to my mom, and she always said: son, all this I did, so one day you will see how u was… to show you how u grow up… but, for me, I already followed you stage by stage, and the most important is that I know my dear, that you are still the same guy… the same look, the same eyes…
These photos was in reality so important to me, and they are one of the principal causes that pushed me forward to love photography… And, as I was happy with my photos, I took photos for many persons, also in different stages of their life, on the faith that one day they will remember how they was and that this will maybe reflect on their life…
But if my beautiful memories was a principal push, but they were not the only ones… I cannot hide since my childhood a big love to nature… for everything in nature… flowers, trees, mountains, plants, animals… also my love to the beauty all over… my love to paints…
In my uncle house, there was a big poster of a tulip garden… millions of colors… this room was my reading room… as my mum and aunt library was in… and in this room I passed the biggest time of my childhood, just reading and looking and wondering… many questions was always in my mind that time… but the most important one was: can I one day take a photo like this one?…
I walked in the forests, plains, prairies & mountains… and the usual places that I like mainly are the high places… but the main place was in my village… on the top of the biggest hill of it… why?… because this was a place where you can see the sea, the plain of Akkar & the mountains in the same time… and since my childhood, the usual moment to stay there was at sunset time… so no one can lose me in an afternoon… and no one sunset moment I lost since this time… each day I said goodbye to the sun that hide slowly in the heart of the Mediterranean sea…
And now, the camera is just taking all what I saw & I’m seeing daily of beauties and transferring it to each one of you… my goal is to show how much everything made by god is so beautiful… to show how our country is so beautiful… to prove that Lebanon is definitely the best place to live in… to prove that we have everything, and all what we have to do is to open our eyes and look around…
Sassine El Nabbout MD.
The fingers & the eyes that took these photos belongs mainly to my mom, and she always said: son, all this I did, so one day you will see how u was… to show you how u grow up… but, for me, I already followed you stage by stage, and the most important is that I know my dear, that you are still the same guy… the same look, the same eyes…
These photos was in reality so important to me, and they are one of the principal causes that pushed me forward to love photography… And, as I was happy with my photos, I took photos for many persons, also in different stages of their life, on the faith that one day they will remember how they was and that this will maybe reflect on their life…
But if my beautiful memories was a principal push, but they were not the only ones… I cannot hide since my childhood a big love to nature… for everything in nature… flowers, trees, mountains, plants, animals… also my love to the beauty all over… my love to paints…
In my uncle house, there was a big poster of a tulip garden… millions of colors… this room was my reading room… as my mum and aunt library was in… and in this room I passed the biggest time of my childhood, just reading and looking and wondering… many questions was always in my mind that time… but the most important one was: can I one day take a photo like this one?…
I walked in the forests, plains, prairies & mountains… and the usual places that I like mainly are the high places… but the main place was in my village… on the top of the biggest hill of it… why?… because this was a place where you can see the sea, the plain of Akkar & the mountains in the same time… and since my childhood, the usual moment to stay there was at sunset time… so no one can lose me in an afternoon… and no one sunset moment I lost since this time… each day I said goodbye to the sun that hide slowly in the heart of the Mediterranean sea…
And now, the camera is just taking all what I saw & I’m seeing daily of beauties and transferring it to each one of you… my goal is to show how much everything made by god is so beautiful… to show how our country is so beautiful… to prove that Lebanon is definitely the best place to live in… to prove that we have everything, and all what we have to do is to open our eyes and look around…
Sassine El Nabbout MD.
Monday, April 18, 2005
Sunday, April 17, 2005
El Kamoua National Park, Akkar
A new webpage created to talk about the beauties of this wonderful park!
Wish u will enjoy it!
Sassine El Nabbout MD.
Wish u will enjoy it!
Sassine El Nabbout MD.
I'm happy to touch ur love as ur group to our beautiful country Lebanon!
I know very well that working alone would not take me to many things i already dreamed! but working in group will do it!
I'm really proud to share your great work in collecting all these websites!
Sassine El Nabbout MD.
I know very well that working alone would not take me to many things i already dreamed! but working in group will do it!
I'm really proud to share your great work in collecting all these websites!
Sassine El Nabbout MD.
Sunday, April 10, 2005
A Spring Day In Aadbel…
On the top of the large hill, I felt I’m in the world center… just a look and you see the sea in your hand… another one and the snowy mountains will be in your back…
A place where you can stay all the day, following to sun… from the rise to the set…
All what you can hear is the song of the breeze and the almond trees…
I Walked carefully to not bother the dancing flowers, that are always celebrating…
Then I stayed … looking & dreaming in the same time…
I didn’t saw like this paint… but I’m really seeing it…
Just millions of colors mixed on the ground!…
I collected flowers since my childhood… & I guessed I knew them all… But I didn’t in reality… because each moment I was finding a new flower…
I stayed near each one of them…
I followed the growth phases… the different ages…
Touched each one… felt each movement…
I stayed silent with all my concentration, trying to catch each second, each beauty…
While staying there, I really knew the importance of time…
But what I knew mainly is the importance & the meaning of beauty & her relationship to the inner happiness…
And I prayed because I was so happy…
I repeated the words: I see you god, I see you in each creature you made…
But my inner feeling was saying more than words can even describe…
I felt I’m not anymore there…
And something went out from my heart saying:
Ohh god ! All what you created is perfect…
Totally perfect…
Thanks so much for giving me the life to see all what you have done…
Thanks for your eternal love to me…
Thanks for everything…
I love you…
Sassine El Nabbout MD.
A place where you can stay all the day, following to sun… from the rise to the set…
All what you can hear is the song of the breeze and the almond trees…
I Walked carefully to not bother the dancing flowers, that are always celebrating…
Then I stayed … looking & dreaming in the same time…
I didn’t saw like this paint… but I’m really seeing it…
Just millions of colors mixed on the ground!…
I collected flowers since my childhood… & I guessed I knew them all… But I didn’t in reality… because each moment I was finding a new flower…
I stayed near each one of them…
I followed the growth phases… the different ages…
Touched each one… felt each movement…
I stayed silent with all my concentration, trying to catch each second, each beauty…
While staying there, I really knew the importance of time…
But what I knew mainly is the importance & the meaning of beauty & her relationship to the inner happiness…
And I prayed because I was so happy…
I repeated the words: I see you god, I see you in each creature you made…
But my inner feeling was saying more than words can even describe…
I felt I’m not anymore there…
And something went out from my heart saying:
Ohh god ! All what you created is perfect…
Totally perfect…
Thanks so much for giving me the life to see all what you have done…
Thanks for your eternal love to me…
Thanks for everything…
I love you…
Sassine El Nabbout MD.
Sunday, March 20, 2005
God Is My Only Leader...
In the past times, god walked with his people, as a cloud in the day and as a fire in the night… he was their leader… and for sure he is still the leader… but now, not in the eye of the people…
I remember from the old testament, when the people made a revolution in front of god… they want a leader from them as all the other peoples of earth… they didn’t want that god enter in every part of there life… they would a one from them, chosen by god as they said that time… And remember there the words of the bible: god was very angry…
The difference is easy and very well known… god and human…
When god was the leader, this people passed through the waters of the red sea… lived in the desert… the water came out from a rock… nutrition came from the sky… But mainly, the people was peaceful, happy, walking in the right way…
But when the humans rule, god leaved his position in front of our ways… And since that time humans conduct us in the wrong way… they pushed us to war… to kill… to destroy… to violate others proprieties… in the name of governing… in the name of persistence of their proper rules… and unfortunately in the name of peace… killing for self peace…
For self prices… and only self gain of the leader and his group…
And you cannot find a king that didn’t do it… even the best ones of them in the eyes of god…
Even they killed Jesus … By a leader order… The leader thinking… let one person die, this is better than all a people die…
Simply, peoples measure is different from god measure, and their thinking is almost below the god’s one…
But, as the leaders are present now, I would remember you of the words of saint Paul… the leader is almost always chosen by god… and we all as Christians, we must accept our leaders and their faults…
Remember also the words of Jesus: don’t judge anybody to not be judged…
God is the only judge… the only good one…
And god is the one that choose the leader, and for sure he is the only one that have the power and the right to change or remove him… but specially he is the only one that can judge him…
You will say for me now: if this man is not good… even he is a terrorist, a killer… would we accept such a leader?!...
I will respond: very true… you feel in an unfair situation… you are innocent… I will remember you brother or sister, we are not better than our master Jesus…
You will say again: yes I understand that, but if I can change something and live more peacefully, why would I live in such a situation?!...
I will remember you that Jesus could have an army, not from humans but from angels that would fight for him but he didn’t want that… maybe if he fights that time he would change many things in the world…
Now I will talk about what is happening now in my country… because this is what pushed me to write this…
I watched from away as my habitude with everything…
These words are mainly addressed to the ones calling themselves Christians… what was the target of your movement?…
Disturbing and destroying a regime…
You will say: this government hands are filled with blood…
But who are you to blame others…
Aren’t you a human ? and you do always faults…
The government is a group of humans… then a group of errors… and you know very well that when someone has a great position or leadership , any small error on our size will be a terrible error on the nation level…
I do not support governments errors, but also I don’t support the destructive judgment of them… specially that this is done by former governors that share with the actual ones the same errors if not more than them…
Remember please: god is the one that chooses the leaders… ask him to change them when you see in the bottom of your heart they are betraying the role that god gives to them…
God put them… so don’t use your hands and own power to change what he chose…
You know something… even the church is working against that… I mean against what I’m saying… and this is very dangerous…
Her role is to teach love… to assure peace… to keep life… but she is not doing that…
She must not work in the bath of politics…
That’s really abnormal… I didn’t see even a one… even a one praying to remove the government or praying for the peace in the country…
That’s terrible…
People are conducted as puppets… go now… move now… get up… walk…
Someone is playing by the people… just by awakening their deep feelings… specially the extremist ones… the ones that make Christians away from the reality of Christ… love…
The feeling of refusing the other is a sin… refusing him is sure a big sin… hating others is a sin… working for destroying others is a sin… being angry is a sin… saying bad things about others is a sin…
Now you know my point of view… I know you are now laughing… or saying in your heart that I’m abnormal… or unusual…
But I will tell you that I don’t need leaders or to change leaders… why?
Because my leader is the best one…
My leader is god and not a human…
I don’t have a problem with any leader here, because the rule that conduct me makes me passing through everything…
Because the only rule I have is love… and only love
Sassine El Nabbout MD.
I remember from the old testament, when the people made a revolution in front of god… they want a leader from them as all the other peoples of earth… they didn’t want that god enter in every part of there life… they would a one from them, chosen by god as they said that time… And remember there the words of the bible: god was very angry…
The difference is easy and very well known… god and human…
When god was the leader, this people passed through the waters of the red sea… lived in the desert… the water came out from a rock… nutrition came from the sky… But mainly, the people was peaceful, happy, walking in the right way…
But when the humans rule, god leaved his position in front of our ways… And since that time humans conduct us in the wrong way… they pushed us to war… to kill… to destroy… to violate others proprieties… in the name of governing… in the name of persistence of their proper rules… and unfortunately in the name of peace… killing for self peace…
For self prices… and only self gain of the leader and his group…
And you cannot find a king that didn’t do it… even the best ones of them in the eyes of god…
Even they killed Jesus … By a leader order… The leader thinking… let one person die, this is better than all a people die…
Simply, peoples measure is different from god measure, and their thinking is almost below the god’s one…
But, as the leaders are present now, I would remember you of the words of saint Paul… the leader is almost always chosen by god… and we all as Christians, we must accept our leaders and their faults…
Remember also the words of Jesus: don’t judge anybody to not be judged…
God is the only judge… the only good one…
And god is the one that choose the leader, and for sure he is the only one that have the power and the right to change or remove him… but specially he is the only one that can judge him…
You will say for me now: if this man is not good… even he is a terrorist, a killer… would we accept such a leader?!...
I will respond: very true… you feel in an unfair situation… you are innocent… I will remember you brother or sister, we are not better than our master Jesus…
You will say again: yes I understand that, but if I can change something and live more peacefully, why would I live in such a situation?!...
I will remember you that Jesus could have an army, not from humans but from angels that would fight for him but he didn’t want that… maybe if he fights that time he would change many things in the world…
Now I will talk about what is happening now in my country… because this is what pushed me to write this…
I watched from away as my habitude with everything…
These words are mainly addressed to the ones calling themselves Christians… what was the target of your movement?…
Disturbing and destroying a regime…
You will say: this government hands are filled with blood…
But who are you to blame others…
Aren’t you a human ? and you do always faults…
The government is a group of humans… then a group of errors… and you know very well that when someone has a great position or leadership , any small error on our size will be a terrible error on the nation level…
I do not support governments errors, but also I don’t support the destructive judgment of them… specially that this is done by former governors that share with the actual ones the same errors if not more than them…
Remember please: god is the one that chooses the leaders… ask him to change them when you see in the bottom of your heart they are betraying the role that god gives to them…
God put them… so don’t use your hands and own power to change what he chose…
You know something… even the church is working against that… I mean against what I’m saying… and this is very dangerous…
Her role is to teach love… to assure peace… to keep life… but she is not doing that…
She must not work in the bath of politics…
That’s really abnormal… I didn’t see even a one… even a one praying to remove the government or praying for the peace in the country…
That’s terrible…
People are conducted as puppets… go now… move now… get up… walk…
Someone is playing by the people… just by awakening their deep feelings… specially the extremist ones… the ones that make Christians away from the reality of Christ… love…
The feeling of refusing the other is a sin… refusing him is sure a big sin… hating others is a sin… working for destroying others is a sin… being angry is a sin… saying bad things about others is a sin…
Now you know my point of view… I know you are now laughing… or saying in your heart that I’m abnormal… or unusual…
But I will tell you that I don’t need leaders or to change leaders… why?
Because my leader is the best one…
My leader is god and not a human…
I don’t have a problem with any leader here, because the rule that conduct me makes me passing through everything…
Because the only rule I have is love… and only love
Sassine El Nabbout MD.
Sunday, February 20, 2005
A Night Of February In Aadbel…
Now! I’m staying outdoor! In the darkness of the night!
What I see, maybe is difficult to be understood by words… only because I’m not able to describe well this wonder…
Seeing the fields from above… all blooming… all the almond trees are white covered! But this is not the snow! Those are the flowers filling each corner & site!
Ah! I cannot describe what I feel now! I feel flying maybe! I feel that my soul now is out of my body!
The sweet odors are filling all the spaces!
I’m on my chair! Silent! Just dreaming!
I hear you! I hear the words of the ground!
She is talking! How?! The rains are touching it softly!
She is always calling me!
I heard!
Now, I’m walking under the rain! My limbs are caressing each flower! My wings are all open! Yes open while walking!
I touch each drop of water! & With every touch I feel better!
My hands are surrounding each tree! I’m feeling the vibration of life within it!
Yes ! the life! She is passing through my body to make me a soul!
I feel my union! I feel my love for everything!
Ah sure! If I’m in love with nature, I adore you my brother!
Do you know! With this love, I’m the happiest ever!
Because with it, I see god in all what is surrounding me!
Sassine El Nabbout MD.
What I see, maybe is difficult to be understood by words… only because I’m not able to describe well this wonder…
Seeing the fields from above… all blooming… all the almond trees are white covered! But this is not the snow! Those are the flowers filling each corner & site!
Ah! I cannot describe what I feel now! I feel flying maybe! I feel that my soul now is out of my body!
The sweet odors are filling all the spaces!
I’m on my chair! Silent! Just dreaming!
I hear you! I hear the words of the ground!
She is talking! How?! The rains are touching it softly!
She is always calling me!
I heard!
Now, I’m walking under the rain! My limbs are caressing each flower! My wings are all open! Yes open while walking!
I touch each drop of water! & With every touch I feel better!
My hands are surrounding each tree! I’m feeling the vibration of life within it!
Yes ! the life! She is passing through my body to make me a soul!
I feel my union! I feel my love for everything!
Ah sure! If I’m in love with nature, I adore you my brother!
Do you know! With this love, I’m the happiest ever!
Because with it, I see god in all what is surrounding me!
Sassine El Nabbout MD.
Sunday, January 02, 2005
Tsunami Message
I know very well that words now dont have the power to erase the destructive Tsunami effect!Now we must look how can we help!
And we must look deeply in this painfull desaster!!
I will tell you how much i heard from my friends , my co-workers...
Each one was blaming god!...
Is that your god of mercy & love !... is that he ?... then look what he did!...
And my response is: death sir is not a punishement...Death is on our earth since we are!
All the old prophets, their sons & families died... & of course all the other peoples...
Even Jesus tasted the death!!... And he was innocent, but he died in a way that all our sins will be forgiven if we believe!...
And death sir will continue till the end of the world!...
The difference is:
Are you ready or not?
Do you believe or not ?
Do you have the eternal life yet or not?
I will tell u that each one of us will be dead, & no one will stop blaming god!...
And you are talking about mercy, about the additive misery of this people...Yes this people!...
The poverty was devastating those countries since long time, the diseases was already running between their houses... And no one from this earth even tried to help them! can i ask why ?...
And sir, the armies are devastating countries, destroying all the resources, changing the face of earth... & this was since the begining of humanity... & this was in the name of progress , power & peace???... But no one blamed a human on the ones killed by an order... so who can blame god?....
Death is always a surprise... so dont think he will call you a day to tell you i'm coming tomorrow!...
Be prepared each moment , because each moment can be your moment... so know how you can face god with your faith & the good things you do right here...
And i will repeat Jesus words: dont be afraid from the one that kills your body, but be afraid from the one who kills your soul...
And we must look deeply in this painfull desaster!!
I will tell you how much i heard from my friends , my co-workers...
Each one was blaming god!...
Is that your god of mercy & love !... is that he ?... then look what he did!...
And my response is: death sir is not a punishement...Death is on our earth since we are!
All the old prophets, their sons & families died... & of course all the other peoples...
Even Jesus tasted the death!!... And he was innocent, but he died in a way that all our sins will be forgiven if we believe!...
And death sir will continue till the end of the world!...
The difference is:
Are you ready or not?
Do you believe or not ?
Do you have the eternal life yet or not?
I will tell u that each one of us will be dead, & no one will stop blaming god!...
And you are talking about mercy, about the additive misery of this people...Yes this people!...
The poverty was devastating those countries since long time, the diseases was already running between their houses... And no one from this earth even tried to help them! can i ask why ?...
And sir, the armies are devastating countries, destroying all the resources, changing the face of earth... & this was since the begining of humanity... & this was in the name of progress , power & peace???... But no one blamed a human on the ones killed by an order... so who can blame god?....
Death is always a surprise... so dont think he will call you a day to tell you i'm coming tomorrow!...
Be prepared each moment , because each moment can be your moment... so know how you can face god with your faith & the good things you do right here...
And i will repeat Jesus words: dont be afraid from the one that kills your body, but be afraid from the one who kills your soul...
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