It’s a fashion these days to see new wears of democracy… the new definition…
In the past, the definition was: the people governing…
But our new definition unfortunately is: the family's dictators…
When the husband went away, the woman takes the ride… when the woman goes away or wants to rest; the son or the daughter if not available takes the ride…
And this is the people's decision…
We want you to be always above us… you are our master… our big one…we want you and all your descent to keep us always in the shit, because we are so happy there… please don’t go or leave us without a master… we always need your power… your help… without you we cannot take our rights…
Dear citizens, you don’t need to kiss the asses to take your rights as a human being… as a Lebanese person…
Dear citizens, the electricity is your right… good roads is your right… living in peace is your right… free education is your right… free healthcare is your right… taking posts… eating… electing… saying what you want… going where you want…
You don’t need anyone to ask for your rights…
But, in our country, with this sexually transmitted disease, they learned us to ask, to take what is formally our rights… they catch it in their deep self interest… just to keep this system awake… and don’t be surprised… they all even while talking and judging all the others of their same level… they are in a full agreement… an agreement to keep them always above and us always down…
What I saw unfortunately, is that you always repeat the same errors… you always re-elect the same persons… you always live like a sheep… I know, this is your sexually transmitted disease also… you took it from your family… doing what they asked you to do…
Sir, wake up…
Your representative in the parliament is only for making laws… not for giving you anything or to buy your voice…
Wake up…
Elect the persons not to help you or your brother or your region, but to help and represent the whole country…
Elect the change… the good men to have a good government…
Just wake up…
Destroy this poor mentality… elect the freedom… the independence…
If you are not able to do it, for the future, please use condoms to not infect your descent…
But again, wake up and go to vote…