Every night… almost every night, she starred in the sky… awaiting the moon, coming from the east of the earth… sometimes from behind the clouds… and other times shining between the small stars in the clear skies…
She didn’t know why… but a secret power was attracting her…
Who knows why?!... his light… his beauty… his majesty… or its role: the light in the world darkness…
She never could resist him…
His cold light touched her heart…
She danced with him many times on the music of the stars… while the soft breezes was sharing the dance with the small trees branches covering her window of dreams…
She fell in love with him since her childhood… he was her only friend… the only one that can hold her secrets… the only one that can hear her cries when all the hearts of earth are asleep…
She missed him every second… even, she could not wait the incoming of each night…
And the moon… once created… didn’t know that he will be loved one day that much… he supposed he is unique… lonely… as he stayed since millions of years… as he supposed he will not fall in love… even that he was a symbol of all lovers…
But this girl was a different creature… her beauty was like a piece of star…
He looked since long time from above the human houses… but when she was born, a different light was attracting his eyes… a light that is not human made…
Yes… since that time he continued starring… till his eyes met her eyes…
And the story started…
Her smile was his point of weakness… he couldn’t one day support to see her crying… and his only dream was to keep her happy forever…
He followed her in the nights… lighted her roads… touched with his rays her room… took away the ghosts of fear from her life…
The time passed… and the little girl became a young woman… a woman full of a secret happiness and love… a love that no one know… a smile that no one know why… a light that no one can understand… but every one that met her knew that she is in love…
Her heart was always flying in the skies… and the heart of her lover was walking on earth…
One night, she asked him: when will I touch you?… when will I walk with you in the roads of my beautiful city?... when will you come for me?... and he said: how can I leave the skies my sweet love?!... what can I do?...
the first days, they supported… but the missing feeling became unbearable with time… as if the life is not finding any way to continue, as each one of them needs the other one…
He started to see the tears in her eyes, while he swears one day that he will keep her happiness eternal… so the tears filled his eyes too… what will he do?... what are the possibilities?...
He knew that he don’t have another help than god… so he asked him while praying…
He said: dear god, can I be the light in the world darkness, while being on the earth itself?... as a man… only for few days…
God said: for once or?...
The moon stayed silent…
So god said: why do you want to go?...
The moon said: I want to love as I’m loved…
And the great god smiled and said: I cannot refuse an act of love… so go… you have my blessings… and take with you these two rings, one for her and one for you… so you can see her anytime you want…
While his heart was full of happiness, the moon said thanks my dear creator…
He couldn’t wait to tell his love the great news… and that time the count down started…
He dreamed of her… she dreamed of him… but both had that fear of the dream… the fear that this dream will not be a reality… they couldn’t know how much this will be beautiful… and that everything can become a reality with god…
… his legs touched the earth of Melbourne… just a wall… a door was between him and her… and the moment came…
He touched her… she touched him…
He hugged her… she hugged him…
He smelled her… she smelled him…
He kissed her… she kissed him…
They said for everyone one: this is my love… this is the one I live for and I want to live with…
And they passed together the most beautiful days in life… the greatest moments… they ate together… they shared everything… even the small things…
Their conversations was full of silence… of touches… of looks… of eyes starring…
And for sure, they walked together… in the full day light…
And as all the people of the earth said: how beautiful and rare?!!… did someone see one day the full moon beside the sun, giving both the light for our days?!…
so so beautiful that love has touched you both and has been fulfilled! such happiness if unparalleled god bless you both! ann :)
So there was kissing afterall...;)
Waiting to hear more!!!
So there was kissing afterall...;)
Waiting to hear more!!!
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