Isn't strange?! on the right side is Lebanon, and Syria on the left side...
This river comes from one source in Lebanon, Nabaa Al Hichi, in Wadi Khaled.
Reaching the source is a big issue, as it is very powerful and the way is almost closed by plants, making the flow more and more slow.
The Big River (named like that, even that it is not the biggest river), makes the northern lebanese borders with Syria.
Even though, there is still lebanese families living on the other side... and cross activity and relationships between the two sides are still present. Many lebanese men and women are married to other side people.
The big southern River, was one of the ports to introduce illegal issues between the two countries, as it is a very easy way, covered by forests trees, and not secured, specially at night.
This day, we was making a launch on the border of Rammah, a sweet typical akkarian village... what we took with us was not something heavy, just olive oil, salads... it was the best day for fishing... and we got more than five Kilos of Fishes... it was really great... (for sure i didn't fish with the others who are from this village in origin) :)...
It was cool... we made fire by dry branches... and we ate with the Arak ( a lebanese traditional alchohol )...
The difficult issue was the return way ( as we ate a heavy lunch)...
I have really beautiful memories from this place, even going back to my childhood, when i made picnics with my family and some families of Debbabiyyi and Kwachra...
Wish that you will enjoy it's album.
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