There was a rat who lost his self confidence, and all he wanted was to die because he feels so weak, and no one likes or respects him...
So he sat down one day and was talking to God...
He asked God: why nobody likes me, I am so weak and I don't want to live anymore...
And God replies: you are the strongest in this world little rat...
So the rat asked him: but how?
Then God said: you are stronger then the night...
The rat said again: can you explain for me please?
God said : because when the sun rises the night disappears... and you are stronger than the sun...
But how asked the rat?
God said: because when it is cloudy the sun disappears... and you are stronger than the cloud...
The rat said: I'm not understanding...
God said: because when the wind blows the clouds move and disappear, and you are stronger than the wind...
The rat did not understand the logic behind this so he asked again: how?
God said: because when the wind blows, it cannot move the tower that is behind you... but you can do so...
The rat looked at the great tower behind him and asked again: tell me more God, how does this make me strong?
God said: nor the sun or the wind, nor the clouds or the night can make this tower disappear,
but you my little rat you can... by simply digging in each stone, you can crack them and make it collapse... (story from a Christian newspaper)
You think that you are awful... that no body respects you... that you are weak...
I tell you that the power is inside you... that everyone is weak when he doesn't see anything but weakness, but very strong when he accepts himself, when he understands himself...
Stand up and say no to what is destroying you... say I'm not fearful, I will continue sailing... and i will arrive...