Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas Time...

The nature changes every moment her colors, to look more and more beautiful in the eyes of God!
Will we do such an act?
Will we change our hearts to reach the eternal peace?
Will we design our life with the unlimited love instead of being drown in materialism?!
Will our soul be born again every single day, not just occasionally?
Will we understand that Christmas is not a “season” but a journey?

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Autumn’s Signature…

It’s a painting competition… Autumn is being promoted…
Gravity! Wind effects! Weight! Density! Contact surfaces!
Probabilities! Colors! Vision! Imagination!
And God get as always the perfect designer’s award!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Sleeping on a tree base makes a mixture of feelings and thoughts, which may be so contradictory…
Feeling the highness and imagining the self lowness…
Being proud and in the same time forced to be humble…
Flying with your eyes while your body is touching the soil…

Looking on such a tree, known to be the hugest in the region, may let us learn many facts…
Once one starts to grow, he never stops growing until the last moment…
While growing we become more and more complicated…
We grow to reach the sun, and we never reach it…
With days, we lose power, and she shines with glory…

Eternity is not the fact of having an enormous trunk, or a one million year of age, but it is a walk to the great God that may start with our first breath, and will never be reached until we love without borders…

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

When The Rain Kissed My Rose…

What may prefer a rain drop when she comes back to earth?
Hitting a hard surface or landing off on a rose petal?
Melting in the thirsty soil or kissing a hungry heart?

How would a rose like the water coming from the sky?
A merciful or just a donator?
A healer or just a doctor?

In medicine, a topical treatment can be beneficial even more than a systemic one…
In life, cooling a tired heart is surely more efficacious than giving a cup of water…
Treat the cause, and don’t be lost in the appearance of things…
Even tears may dehydrate a human being…

Saturday, October 25, 2008

When The Colors & The Light Collide...

When The Colors & The Light Collide

How do you define the colors?
Aren’t they the bleeding of every surface when hit by the light’s swards?
Aren’t they the shining daily beauty that sleeps every night, to wake up on tomorrow’s hands?
Aren’t they a mirror that transforms the light in every single eye into mind’s ecstasy?
Can I simply say that they are the light, as the light by itself is a mixture of colors?

Is everything we see, simply a story of refraction??
Do you want what I believe the colors are?
They are a soundless sex between the light and the materials…

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A Poor’s Point Of View...

The shepherd’s Daughter

Many ones have tried to analyze the world’s most devastating crisis… Experts, politicians, journalists… but what about the poor people, which form more than 90% of the earth’s population?
A poor in these days maybe smiling more than the whales of Wall Street and the sharks of the European bourse… he is not investing with his millions of dollars, not because he fears the markets, but because all what he has is 10 dollars (and even surely less) to live during the day with his family!
He is not going to lose, because he has nothing…
It is not a big difference to him if the Euro-Dollar exchange is going up or down… also he knows very well how to starve many days, and just live on the bread and some olives…
What a huge difference!
Some people are crying now for losing some millions of dollars, just some… and they still have too much… and others cried there life more than enough, until they have no more tears…
The entire actual crisis is about pushing every government to pay them back from our money; because they really need help, and it is impossible to leave they go down… the governments have to defend the world’s money system!
Yes! They will pay them from taxes!
Taxes system, which is made to take from everyone, the very rich and the very poor, to give to the entire nation, will be used to help the rich!!
We didn’t ever see the governments that exited to help the poor ones???
Can we ask why? Or our question is just as important as “how much we have”?
What a real joke?
What is this system? How can it be that good, and he leaves the world’s treasures in the hands of less than 5% of the earth’s population?
Where were they when every poor family was starving? I’m sure they were eating their caviar and smoking their pipes, all from the interest rates everyone is paying them because he does not have enough cash…

Yes! They never thought about how I do feel, but I’m not happy because they are passing in this situation, and I’m not surely asking for revenge… I will not hide that I have a strange feeling in my heart…
They will be okay, I know it… they will adapt just like every human being…
Yet, I’m always wondering about the difference between someone who has one million dollars and another who has one billion! Will they drive two cars in the same time? Will they wear two jackets at the same moment? Will they watch two televisions in the same second?
My life is surely hard, but I live in honor, and I’m not that stressed about the bourses… I just keep walking and smiling…

Friday, October 10, 2008

The Night's Light

How would be our life if the darkness is the only kingdom?
What would be our dreams if we can’t see the light of tomorrow?
How may look a sky just with the far stars?
Millions of years have passed and you are still a big secret…
Another unanswered “why”!
You may not be as cold as they said… not silent as you appear…
As when we move, you walk with us…
When we cry, you cool our hearts…
When we depress, you take our look up…
Why do we feel so close to you?
Is it because you are the only one who stays awake, while everyone is comatose in his bed?
Is it because you can see our tears, while no one can see our dark side?
You are not God…
We are not too…
But why are you there? Why are we here?
You, you keep the “black” alive until tomorrow…
And we, we don’t stop wondering!

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

The Tears Of Hope

The sadness waves are not stopping hitting the shores…
The destructive wind of anger is yet stifling every form of life…
This endless storm does not want to move away…

Every burnt heart is being smashed roughly each day…
Everyone that resisted has to die more than one million times…
Every scene must be changed by force, with no single way to peace…

Hard seconds maybe felt as days, and months as years…
But there is no eternal darkness… There is no endless sadness…
Do not keep inside you anything but love…
Its seeds (love) will make every heart rise again… and know that the tears of pain are and will be always the ones of hope…

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Port Of The Sun

While standing on the border, I couldn’t stop looking in the surrounding darkness…
There is nothing as powerful as you…
Your beams fill the heart, while the cold light can barely heat itself…
I’m staying here since you left the port and disappeared in the horizon…
I miss the colors… I miss the life…
Tomorrow will never be like today…
I will go with you in the eternal journey…
I will hold you tight even if I will be burnt…

Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Oldest Alive Monuments On Earth

Cedars Of The God , Becharri , North Lebanon

Continue voting for the Cedars of Lebanon, our level is falling so fast (from the 4th level to 45!!!!) in the largest http://www.new7wonders.com/nature/en/vote_on_nominees/world wide vote.
Jeita Grotto fell to the level twenty five world wide.
The vote will continue until the end of December 2008.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

A Day's Deep Breath!

Peace is only achievable when the sky reflects herself on earth.
Looking at this pool may encourage you to just imagine... but also to plunge and mix yourself with this eternal beauty...

Wednesday, September 03, 2008


The light will always be back...
Don’t be afraid…
The clouds are fake, and a blow will remove them away…
Even in the darkest moments of life, hope must not be lost...
Trust me, You will see the light again…
In a way or in the other we must continue… just like everything...

Difficulties are like the clouds, they shut off our sight and our hearts…
But as the rain is the wealth of earth, lessons are the teacher of humanity…

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

God & feelings…

Every story is not bigger than the fact of “up & down”… and all things in life happen as they are mixed by this non-stop machine…
As it is worthless to say: “I live in hell” or “I live in heaven”… because in every single moment we are living in both of them… lets talk mechanics… Imagine the escalator system… the same cord moves in two different ways at every moment, while taking it up or down…
All what I wrote is not true in the absolute value… why?!
Because we are not alone… and reaching the equilibrium is never an achievement for us, but to God himself, because he is the only one who can make us “feel” differently our feelings…
There is no other way… If we are so down, we will be up soon… if we are up, we have not to forget that we may be down again… remembering and living God always, during the beautiful as in the bad moments, is what we must do…

Be thankful by sharing with him your laugh when you are happy, and when you feel bad don’t be like the one who said: “I don’t want to go to the doctor because I’m so sick”…

Friday, August 22, 2008

Colors & Energy!

Imagine! The same plant’s type is living in the same garden, but each one is painted differently!
Why?! The dark one is in continuous contact with the light, while the green one lays in the shadow!
Isn’t amazing?!
One is afraid of losing a beam of light, and the other one is afraid from being burned by it!
One hugs it so hard, and the other one refuses it!
One works so hard to live and the other works a little bit!
Isn’t applicable in the human life?!
The ones living in the light of money darken more and more their hearts!
The ones living in the darkness of life never reach the fame!
But who gives more?
Isn’t the poor one by giving “oxygen” to everyone, including the rich?!
Or this is God making the equilibrium in everyway?

Monday, August 04, 2008

Our Shadow…

When the life projects her lines toward our bodies, the shadow reflects what every soul is thinking about…
If the sun rises in front of us, the problems walk behind… and we forget about them…
If the sun shines from behind, the problems walk in front of us… and we may fall down because we don’t stop looking at them, and wondering how they are even bigger than ourselves…
We forget that we are always the same persons… and that everything depends on how we walk (think and act)…
Walking with the stream means running away from the life… while believing in our weakness, confirmed by what we see and feel…
Walking against that stream means just the true meaning of living …
Don’t be surprised to know that happiness and sadness both exist in power and weakness…

Don’t say I can’t do it! Use the holy wings, given to you since the first breath, and fly toward the sun…Don’t be afraid… just turn 180 degrees around yourself and see the truth…

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Hot & Cold!!!

The sunset reflection on the Mediterranean sea, Lebanon

Day after day, the earth & the life are becoming hotter...
Do you think it's the cause of our heart's coldness?!
That’s true on the physiologic & the philosophic level!
Physiologically it is a protective mechanism, but philosophically it is a pathologic one!
We are lost in the appearance of things…
And to cool down our thirsty physical needs, we are always ready to sell our humanity…
Everyday, we dive more deeply in the sea of materialism…
Just because we think that the light is there!
We always forget that the true light is above, and all what we are seeing is a reflection!!!

Monday, June 23, 2008

The Jasmine’s Street…

Her messengers, full of odor from the petals to the axis, move with every wind’s blow…
An example of giving and just giving… a flower, a decorator and a perfume distributor…

She does not know that our street is named the Jasmine… do you think she may stop giving if we change it to another name?!
Can someone of us give, without waiting for the others reactions?
Can we give without letting anyone know what we did?

How many ones, and while walking on the white carpet, look above and thank God for this and every grace?

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Icebergs With Amazing Coloured Strips

Icebergs in the Antarctic area sometimes have stripes, formed by layers of snow that react to different conditions.
Blue stripes are often created when a crevice in the ice sheet fills up with meltwater and freezes so quickly that no bubbles form.
When an iceberg falls into the sea, a layer of salty seawater can freeze to the underside. If this is rich in algae, it can form a green stripe.
Brown, black and yellow lines are caused by sediment, picked up when the ice sheet grinds downhill towards the sea.

Isn't amazing how everything is created in harmony by God, and how every simple thing has an explanation!?
Isn't the human mind amazing because he wants to know everything and that he is able to!!!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Lebanon Celebrating...

Lebanon Celebrating...

For once, these are not explosions...
We are celebrating the peace... don't we have the right to?!
Opposition! Government! Majority! Minority!
We are having soon a president... and the black cloud is moving away from our skies... i hope that it will go so far away...
We had enough of bad dreams... we want to live the beauty and the love...
I hope that these agreements stay till the end of days...
Go to hell "civil war"... and i wish that the corruption follows you soon...

Thursday, May 01, 2008

How Far?

We always forget!
This days’ style is pushing us to lose our consciousness!
We don’t stop being in hurry… as if we are running away from something?!
Is it from death or from our inner fears?!
Why don’t we wake up to see that death is everywhere?!
Why don’t we understand that an inner fear will not leave our heart… until when?!
There are just two drugs… one of them is the fear’s compatriot… death…
Don’t you prefer to ask about the second one?
The other drug heals from both of them… it is so simple and priceless… the faith…
Did we forget it?
Yes, we always do!
How far are we from it?
Sometimes, we don’t stop thinking… we want to do everything by our own power… we walk, and surely we fall… we stand up again, and we start crying while saying “what to do now? God left us!”, But never ever we understand that God is always near, even more than the earth on which we failed!
How could we stand up without him giving us a hand?!

While writing this yesterday, my portable computer shuts off alone… without any order! You can’t imagine the rage I had, just because of fear, as I didn’t save what I wrote?! Then I asked myself this question: what happened to me? Is it a trial? And I calmed down and answered myself: no fear, what was written is saved in my heart, because I believe and I will always do so… (The file was auto saved in my computer... my rage was for nothing)

Friday, April 11, 2008

Good Bye Big Daddy!

Sassine El Nabbout

As always, the pains refuse to leave us until the last moment!
Even when we meet the death, our welcome word is: Ahhhhh!
What more?!
While trying to help you (keeping you between us), we added to your pains hundreds more!
Rest in peace big daddy!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Where & How My Beauty Lives!

I will not pick you up because this may kill you!
I will just remove your pains!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Happy Birthday SAMA

It is the fourth year since our one heart expressed his feelings in one word: I Love you…
It is the fourth year since when SAMA saw the light of life…
SAMA, the music of our unity, will be (God’s Will) our daughter as we promised each other…
She didn’t come from nothing… SAMA was and will forever be the sky of our dreams…
SAMA is our faith, and no one has the power to shut off her light…
The dark wills are surrounding her by pain and tears, hoping that she dies… they cant be blamed, because they are drowned in the fear of her future…
SAMA, your name is written on an eternal spring that never ends…
SAMA, your love is so mature, and everyday it is getting younger…
SAMA, your heart is not a muscle, but a soft breeze that fills the earth with beauty…
SAMA, you are a sun that never sets… you are a moon that keeps rising…
SAMA! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday my love!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

An Afternoon In Heaven

In the era of super materialism, and simply away from every civilization, the heart looks forward to meet the forgotten peace… It is for sure a hard probability to find it under a tree, but still the fact of seeing something else may help to get out from the dead circle… It may shut off the same boring life’s scenes…
Isn’t amazing to see everything on twilight, because it makes you concentrate and appreciate more? That’s why I like every afternoon…
It is not true that heaven cannot be reached by a human being… what this human have to know is that he has to be simple… to go down and hear the silent song of peace… if not, he will be stuck in the lost humanity houses, dead by the noisy sounds of cars, planes, wars and money…

Assure yourself… heart’s peace does not mean loneliness at all… and especially it does not need to walk around without purposes…

It is the time to go and get the fruits… the taste of life is incomplete if you don’t use your head and thereafter your hands…

Even an orange can give us a lesson… it contains surely more than sugar and vitamin C… Inside of it exists one million stories, where the biography of sun and rain melted with the earth is written with celestial letters…

Pure life can start from appreciating a small beam of light… Why?! Because even a small one can clear a way, and lighten every dark side of our history or preliminary future…

A Little Heaven just aside

It is the time to move forward… if you are alive, smile and give a big hug to the God of life… and don’t forget, if you love, love more and more…

Wednesday, March 05, 2008


Oudin Valley, Akkar

When the western winds calmed down, this cloud extended her arms and hanged on the holy mountain…
Even the life needs to have a little bit of rest… this does not mean that she is willing to stop, but some moments of good sleep may change a future…
The eastern winds will come tomorrow, and the rain drops will fill the earth with beauty…

Monday, February 18, 2008

Our Footprints

Living for the appearance of things is like walking on the snow…
Your footprints will disappear, and all what you did will be forgotten…
Bypass the material snow & let your acts touch directly the earth...
Let it touch the hearts…
Don’t be sad if it is not exposed directly…
But believe me, everything will be shown up when God announces the big truth…

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Some Realities About The Anger’s Devil…

On each path a cruel mine is placed in order to show each one of us the hell on earth…
Without a search, he will find us to make his effect…
He makes an electric shock to the victim and to everyone around…
Even the “by nature” voluntary muscles become involuntary…
He uses us because we are dumb…
He welcomes when he hits us all his friends… he says: his wall is breached, enter with me dear brothers and lets play… hey “hate”, go and dive deep in his heart… hey “emptiness” inflate him… hey “blindness” shut off his senses… hey brothers, leave the nervous system for me… I will make the effect, but especially the “post-effect”… I will make him deny proudly what he did!

I’m so sorry, but I cannot describe it more… just because I was not conscious at those moments…

Sunday, January 20, 2008

The Psychology of Colors…

A yellow tulip said: what is this stranger doing between us?
The second said: I don’t know, can’t such a one be shy?
Another one said: He should be out of our field…
The fourth said: yeah! I totally agree! He is disrupting our equilibrium!
The fifth said: maybe you are all right, but I like his color, I hope that I will be like him one day!!
The sixth said: please stop talking! We are all flowers!!!
The seventh said: yeah! But we are different, and we are a majority!!
The eighth said: cant you all shut up, all of us can simply leave in peace!
The ninth said: there is no peace while he is drinking our water and eating from our ground!!
The tenth said: hey brothers, it is not our land too! Where was each one of us before???!
They were discussing while the red tulip was saying: why am I different? Why????

The second day, the man passed by and was impressed by the red tulip to a degree that he didn’t realize that there is another tulips on the field! He removed the yellow tulips that live around, in order to give her more space… to grow and fructify in peace…

Thursday, January 03, 2008

The Stolen Peace…

This photo was taken during the countdown to 2008, where everyone was busy to look at what will happen on the Eiffel tower… a fascinating on and off movement of the electrical lights fixed on this tower drew a big smile on faces…
That’s how we meet a new year, while no one place in this world is safe…
The dormant cells of terrorism are everywhere, and our leaders’ treatment is surgical… more wars to cut it off, then more blood and surely an eternal revenge…
Instead of fighting poverty and abuse, we pay all what we have to make the fake peace by force… or, we sell the poor communities arms so they stay busy in their shit…
Peace became a name on a monument, but everyone forgot about…
I’m not blaming anyone… the world became small, and so are our hearts…