Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas Time...

The nature changes every moment her colors, to look more and more beautiful in the eyes of God!
Will we do such an act?
Will we change our hearts to reach the eternal peace?
Will we design our life with the unlimited love instead of being drown in materialism?!
Will our soul be born again every single day, not just occasionally?
Will we understand that Christmas is not a “season” but a journey?

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Autumn’s Signature…

It’s a painting competition… Autumn is being promoted…
Gravity! Wind effects! Weight! Density! Contact surfaces!
Probabilities! Colors! Vision! Imagination!
And God get as always the perfect designer’s award!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Sleeping on a tree base makes a mixture of feelings and thoughts, which may be so contradictory…
Feeling the highness and imagining the self lowness…
Being proud and in the same time forced to be humble…
Flying with your eyes while your body is touching the soil…

Looking on such a tree, known to be the hugest in the region, may let us learn many facts…
Once one starts to grow, he never stops growing until the last moment…
While growing we become more and more complicated…
We grow to reach the sun, and we never reach it…
With days, we lose power, and she shines with glory…

Eternity is not the fact of having an enormous trunk, or a one million year of age, but it is a walk to the great God that may start with our first breath, and will never be reached until we love without borders…